I totally see where you’re coming from, I’m not a big reader of the Bible myself. I have some issues with it, but I’m not going to bash someone who reads it. For some people, it gives comfort to them. I believe in God and I believe in those things, but I also respect the other persons’ right to choose not believeing in God. I respect that maybe that stuff isn’t for everyone. God gave us free will to choose Him. And I know you’re not looking debate, I don’t debate anything you say actually. I just find it appaulling when anyone decides to criticize anyones beliefs, morals, or any means of comfort.
I just believe in respect. I feel people just need to respect each other for who they are. No matter what race, religion, sexual persuasion, etc. I believe that people should just, in general, be respected. A lot of things get accomplished with respect, if one person gives respect than the other gets respect.
I just get offended when people just make fun of each other in general, or tries to get revenge in general for whatever vendetta they need to uphold. I realize that we all can be assholes, I’m guilty of it unfourtunately but I guess this is my way of rectifying it by promoting respect for everyone.
Everyone deserves it and everyone should get it.