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 I personally find this extremely offensive. I, myself,...

Next: Dear interest depressive up north. Not at all to argue, being christian myself, but just throwing my two cents in since I know we both respect one another quite a bit. As a Christian, I suppose I've got some weird beliefs. I believe in God, and jesus, and I certainly believe in the concept of a heaven and a hell. But I have major qualms with the good book itself. First, depending on which testament you look at, you see a different personality for god. In one, he's horribly mean and angry, willing to punish anyone at anytime for anything. In the next, he's the most loving thing in the universe. I believe in a loving god, a big bearded guy up in the universe somewhere who really loves this whole freak show down here. The bible lays out a lot of sins that will get you thrown into the inferno, but it's just had to believe that. You can't help who you love. or how you look. You have an eyebrow ring, am I correct? in some sects, that's desecration of the temple that god has given you, and punishable by, yep, you guessed it. Hell. The book was written by man. Men to be specific, but man. And man, is a horrible thing. We lie, we're biased, scared, bigoted. That's why there's so much violence and hate in the bible, why so many things are blames on women, and why a man loving another man, or a woman loving another woman is such a cardinal sin. Again, I really do believe in a god, but I don't think any single sect of christianity has it right. Jesus had it right, he said love everybody and stop being a dick. They killed him. So did Martin Luther King, and they killed him. We're all guilty of judging, myself included, but goddamn, Christians deserve the bad rap they get.... but so do atheists, don't get me wrong. I don't think you really have faith if you're one of the people that just files into church and believes everything you're told, nor do I believes you really have faith if you're one of those hate mongering loons. God gave us all a brain, and I think the only way to properly have faith is to read up on the subject, decide what you think is true and false, and I suppose, what you believe, in your heart, is God's intent. But anyway, mutual respect, and I totally appreciate the passion, because atheists can be dicks. I guess, just offering my perspective on the book, not looking for a debate. Peace out, girl scout.

 I personally find this extremely offensive. I, myself, don’t really read the Bible but I do believe in God. My religious persuasion is different from most, I am a Unitarian Universalist. But you know what, I bet some of you re-blogged this because you’re thinking “Oh, I just did this for extreme Christians” but you know what? Someone who is not an extreme Christian, but who reads the Bible because it gives them comfort will take offense to this. This isn’t just an attack on extreme Christians. This is an attack on ALL Christians.

    How would you feel if your religious book or symbol was maliciously attacked like this? You would be offended and don’t lie. You would be. Now if you’re athiest, you probably don’t care, but if you really feel strongly about disliking a religion, please keep it to yourself. Mm’kay? You say that the Bible causes genocide. NO. It’s ignorance and intolerance that causes genocide. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, genocide happens either way. ANd mostly for political reasons, which if you know anything about government, in MOST countries church and state are seperated.

   It’s okay if you don’t subscribe to a certain religious persuasion. If you don’t believe in a God, that’s fine. But please, just respect thos people who find comfort in religion. Some people like the thought that someone is up there listening to their prayers. It helps some people keep going through this world. So if you don’t like something (this should really go for everything), please keep it to yourself. Didn’t your mom teach you “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it at all”? Just leave it alone and go on about your day. Leave people alone and accept each other for what you do and don’t like about them.

This is bullying, plain and simple. Stop it.

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