Colonoscopies suck balls.
If anyone has ever considered therapy, go for it. Especially group therapy, it really helps to know that other people who even though have different situations and circumstances thatn you do also feel the way you do. It seriously helps and it’s also encouraging when you see those people fighting and making progress because it means you can too. I had so much support when I did it and it felt amazing. I’m so glad I did it and I feel super relieved; the anxiety felt so much less to deal with.
I get to have more testing done after the New Year…yay, way to start it off. But I guess if it helps, it helps.
I hope everyone has a happy holiday and a wonderful new year. Nothing but the best for everyone!
It’s like a fairy tale inside a cottage.
This would be SO cool to have a room like this.
Cat Power:
Y’know that feeling where you are being guilt-tripped by everyone for doing something for yourself and helping yourself? Yep, I’m there.
It seems like ever since I’ve made my decisions someone is judging me or thinking I’m somehow being ungrateful if I’m not running around in a maid’s outfit cleaning up every single thing after them. I mean Jesus Christ, I’m trying my best to seem grateful for what I have, but I guess I have to sell my soul and life and everything else I have to please everyone…
These people have no reason to judge me.Believe me.
I miss my parents a lot now that I’ve been here a while. I know my parents and I had some rough goings when I was really sick…I still feel guilty for leaving them, but it just seems like every decision I’ve made it’s damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Story of my life really. But this is where I’m starting to have the problem with my current situation:
I did lie about two things. I lied that I had gotten my vitamins when I didn’t and I lied about setting up the iPod I had gotten for Christmas. I REALLY shouldn’t have lied about that, but I did. But now I have to have a family session with my therapist about this. And apparently there are more issues by the sounds of things that I’m not even aware of. I have the problem with going to a therapist about this. Why? Because it’s unnecessary. Why can’t you just talk to me about it now? I dunno, but now I get this feeling that I’m a pathological liar. I’m not, but I will admit I’m not perfect and I’ve always admitted that. And I did come clean about the lies too. But I guess that doesn’t count.
I dunno, hopefully all of this will blow over and I guess we’ll see how things go. But today was not a good day for me…and I will take my part in it. I shouldn’t have lied and I had no reason to, but going to my therapist about this? I guess I find a little overboard, PLUS she had given me a good talk about it and I thought the situation was resolved.