Mild to Moderate: People with mild to moderate Crohn's are able to eat food normally without dehydration, fevers, stomach pain, blockages in their intestines, or losing more than 10% of their body weight.
Moderate to Severe: People are considered to have moderate to severe Crohn's if they do not respond to treatment for mild to moderate Crohn's or if they have high fevers, significant weight loss, stomach pain or tenderness, occasional nausea or vomiting, or significant anemia.
Severe Crohn's: People with severe Crohn's have symptoms despite taking steroids, or they have high fevers, persistent vomiting, blockages in their intestines, or an abscess
Remission: At times, your symptoms may decrease or even disappear entirely. But don't forget, remission is different for different people. For some, it may last days or years. For others, relapse may occur at any time.
Moderate to Severe: People are considered to have moderate to severe Crohn's if they do not respond to treatment for mild to moderate Crohn's or if they have high fevers, significant weight loss, stomach pain or tenderness, occasional nausea or vomiting, or significant anemia.
Severe Crohn's: People with severe Crohn's have symptoms despite taking steroids, or they have high fevers, persistent vomiting, blockages in their intestines, or an abscess
Remission: At times, your symptoms may decrease or even disappear entirely. But don't forget, remission is different for different people. For some, it may last days or years. For others, relapse may occur at any time.