When was it okay to charge $600 plus dollars for medications that people need? Especially since that’s without insurance! A drug called Lialda costs $625 without insurance. This drug helps people with ulcertive colitis be able to control their symtoms and live less painful and more comfortable lives. This is something everyone wants,right? Since we need to be able to function to be able to work to pay our taxes and yet medication is through the roof! THIS IS JUST OUTRAGEOUS.
And what about those people who need medications that keep them alive and because of circumstance, they have no insurance and their medications cost upwards of $900+!!! How the hell is someone supposed to afford that? Why should medication be allowed to be that much?! It costs less than a penny to make the shit. But obviously pharmeceutical companies want to cash in on patients. And that’s sad that we’re just seen as nothing more than a profit. How disgusting.
I know bitching about it on tumblr isn’t going to make a difference, but I’m sure some of you feel the same way as I do. All the more reason voting is important and it is important to be involved with politics. Or atleast now what’s going on in the world.