Your views on religion:
Here it is. I am a Universal Unitarian. What is that you say? Well, it basically says I believe in a God but I have a different way than what Christians believe. I don’t believe that God asked someone to write a book about His “rules” and such. I don’t believe if you do certain things you go to Hell, for example if you have pre-marital sex or do drugs. If you hurt someone or have no regard for human life and misery, than yes- I believe you go to Hell. I believe that who you are is who you were intended to be- whether gay, straight, black, or white; that’s who you were supposed to be. I believe that God loves everyone no matter what and as long as you love and care for one another- you’re okay. But I don’t believe God is someone who looks at your for all the things you do wrong, like so many people want to tell. He’s like a father. He will get mad at you but He still loves you and wants the best for you. He won’t turn you away just because you’re gay or you’ve fallen in a bad situation due to poor choices. He may not like what you do all the time, but that doesn’t make Him love you anyless. I personally feel that everyone should be allowed to believe in whatever they want to believe in and simply be respected for it.